Our tjheseletsa lenaneng la boom boom molecules boholo ka ho fihlela ho 10 × 12 limithara tse lebetsoeng le. Mona ke 4 × 4 limithara tse bakeng sa referense hao:
Here Below is 4X4 Meters Column Boom Welding Manipulator Specification:
Model | LHC-treila ya 4x4 |
Boom qetellong, max. mojaro | 250 lik'hilograma |
Lathe boom boom ho tsamaea | 4000 limilimithara |
Lathe boom boom leeto lebelo | 1000mm / mets |
Lathe leeto dilenaneo | 0,75 KW ka Brake |
Horizontal boom boom ho tsamaea | 4000mm |
Horizontal boom boom leeto lebelo | 120 ~ 1200mm / mets |
Horizontal leeto dilenaneo | 0,37 KW |
chenchana angle | ± 180 ° |
tsela chenchana | Motorized |
tsamaea lebelo | Motorized |
tsamaea tseleng | Motorized |
Control tsela | Taolo ya remoutu ya letsoho |
input gagamalo | 110V ~ 575V Single / 3 Phase 50 / 60Hz |
lengolo la | amoheloe CE |
Ho tjheseletsa lenaneng And Boom molecules Tlhaloso:
1. lenaneng le boom boom manipulater e sebediswa bakeng sa ka hare, ka ntle, longitudinal & circumferential tjheseletsa.
2. ± 180 ° lengolo la lenaneng la ba chenchana ka ho notlela pukwanana ka maemo a leha e le efe.
3. lenane la boom boom mosebetsi ka sefapano, li motorized li-slide ho lokisa tjheseletsa sethunya maemo a.
4.Automatic tjheseletsa dibaleleedi ka sebelisa hammoho rollers tjheseletsa tanka, oa rotary tjheseletsa positioner.
5. sesebediswa Braking ka netefatsa lenaneng la mosebetsi tikolohong sireletsehileng.
6.Customized ditlhoko molecules ba lumela.
Column Boom tjheseletsa molecules Advantages From Wuxi Success:
1. tjheseletsa Our molecules inverter ke tloha Danfoss.
2. lenaneng la le boom boom Our dilenaneo ke tloha Invertek.
3. jarolla ka ho iketsa molecules Our dikarolo ea elektronike ho tloha Schneider.
4. Seam tracker, ho hlokomela, ts'ebetsong hlaphoheloa mochini le talima, 'MIG oona tsamaisong tjheseletsa ka tsona li sebelisa ka molecules welder.
Ho tjheseletsa lenaneng And Boom Features:
1. ho tjheseletsa dibaleleedi ke jarolla ka ho iketsa thepa tjheseletsa qapa hammoho ka matla a ho tjheseletsa.
2. E ho pharaletseng sebediswa ka liindasteri ka tanka, khatello sejana, Petro lik'hemik'hale mechine bakeng tjheseletsa tsa ka hare le tsa ka ntle seams longitudinal le seams circumferential.
3. The jarolla ka ho iketsa tjheseletsa molecules ke moralo bakeng sa ho ba bane o fapaneng wa sebopeho: tsitsitseng mofuta, mofuta tsitsitseng chenchana, e tsitsitseng e etsoang ka mechine mofuta le e etsoang ka mechine mofuta chenchana.
4. Motorized leketla sefapanong sekwahelo 100 * 100mm o motle phetoho leqeba ho ho tjheseletsa sethunya.
5. Worm gearbox bakeng paatsepama ho tsamaea ka tsela lenaihana enjene, ho feletseng le Brake bakeng sa polokeho eketsa.
Hobaneng Khetha Wuxi Katleho mechine Helmets CO, LTD.:
1.We ka tsepiso ea hae ka botšepehi le ka toka, ke monyaka rona ho u sebeletsa ka rekang moeletsi oa hao.
2.We tiisetso ka ho boloka nako, boleng le lintho tse ngata ka tieo ho kenya tshebetsong dipehelo tsa konteraka.
3.Professional le ba nang le phihlelo moenjiniere sehlopha ho tiisa hore moralo e tsoetseng pele ea ho theha le ho motlakase
4. High tensile rolara ketane sebediswa bakeng sa paatsepama leeto le go tlaleletsa ka tsamaiso stats ho leka-lekana le lenaneng la eo e fana ka boreleli, boikitlaetso maeto.
5.Commissioning le liteko pele pelehi.
Jarolla ka ho iketsa lenaneng la boom boom molecules Control System:
1. All molecules Our welder na le molao-motheo o hōle letsoho taolo lebokose le maoto ba bebofatsa taolo.
2. Wireless /-le-moea ka letsoho taolo di a fumaneha bakeng sa molecules tjheseletsa, empa ka tsela e tloaelehileng bakeng sa mosebetsi o boima 'me nako e telele phala / ditanka.
1.Normally ea equipments bohle ba tla qhaqholla le tsa phutheloa ka Container.We tla fana u dintlha tlhomamiso litšoantšo tsohle tsa referense eo ea hao.
1. Wuxi Katleho mechine & Helmets CO., LIMITED ba romeloa linaheng tse ling karolong e ngotsoeng 'me re hepu welder ho tjheseletsa molecules linaheng tse fetang 30 lefatšeng. European & Amerika metšoasong e fumaneha.
2. litšoantšo Mona ka tlase bang molecules jarolla ka ho iketsa tjheseletsa sebetsa ke bohle ho tloha bareki rona ditshwaelo go tswa mosebetsing saeteng bona.
Turkey 4 ke 4 limithara tse karolong e ngotsoeng And Boom ho tjheseletsa molecules.
Holland 6 ke 6 limithara Pipe ho tjheseletsa molecules.
Australia 5 ke 4 limithara Tank ho tjheseletsa lenaneng Boom molecules.